This week

DRM Dozen


Maria’s Midweek Mindfulness 


The Wednesday Whisper


Halfway through the year

June marks the halfway point of the year. In January, a group of 12 participants embarked on a year-long Dialogue Road Map Practitioner training (pictured above). And this is happening in parallel to the prisoners at Dartmoor who are DRM Facilitators. There are similarities and differences between the two groups. For example, the prisoners, now a group of 14, are working full time as DRM Facilitators and have a large workload of participants who see them on a one to one basis and a schedule of dialogue circles to address issues that affect prison life whereas the training group are preparing to become Facilitators while continuing with their current responsibilities.

There is a very important similarity.

That is the level of authenticity, transparency and collaboration happening within the groups. We created this same atmosphere with our group in Hempstead, NY and also with our group in Kalikalos, Greece. Getting to this level of openness means navigating the differences in capacity and differing experiences of collaborating and challenging resistance in whatever form it manifests. It’s the tenacity of sticking with it that gets the group there. Reaching that meeting point is such a wonderful outcome.

Later this year we will be training more prisoners and I’m thinking about whether to run another year-long training.

Maria’s Midweek Mindfulness

I’m thinking about quality communication and how we can raise the bar in workplaces, families, communities and neighbourhoods.

The Wednesday Whisper

Where in your life are you experiencing poor quality communication and what can you do about it?

Are you interested in participating in a year-long training or do you know anyone you can pass this onto?

And, as ever, would you be willing to send this out to anyone you think might be interested in getting a little dose of mindfulness each week?