This week

Empathy in Action


Maria’s Midweek Mindfulness 


The Wednesday Whisper

Empathy as a state


Last reminder to register here for my Webinar, ‘Empathy in Action – exercising the heart’.

There are many definitions of empathy. The one I hear most often is that of ‘putting oneself in the other person’s shoes’.

I have trouble with this definition because to put myself in someone else’s shoes, I would have made assumptions about the person’s experience and position for the situation that is calling for empathy. I don’t trust that I am capable of knowing how someone else experiences their life.

What I can do is enter a ‘state’ of empathy because I understand the pain of not finding healing. And, I accept the whole fullness of what is, without opinion, judgement, diagnosis or my own story.

And I use words to demonstrate that I am in the state of empathy because empathy has no words, it is an energy that connects us and supports healing.


Maria’s Midweek Mindfulness

I remember the very first time I received true empathy and who gave me that gift. It was a transformative experience that lived with me and propelled me into this work.


The Wednesday Whisper

Who has given you empathy? How did it transform your pain? Who in your life needs empathy? Could you give it?


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Our one year Dialogue Road Map Training 2021 is open for applications

Take a look at our website

And see what previous participants have to say