This week

The healing power of community gathering


Maria’s Midweek Mindfulness 


The Wednesday Whisper

Mourning the diminished opportunity to gather


When I read about the entertainment industry and the effects of Covid Restrictions in the UK and the impact of the loss of Billions to the economy, I went on a train of thought beyond money.

Whether it is a packed theatre of people clapping or singing in unison, a spiritual ceremony or an extended family celebration, there is an uplifting and healing energy to such gatherings which is only accessible in a group gathering.

For those of us who know this experience we can hold dear the memories.

For a new generation it may become an unknown loss.

I completely understand the necessity for Covid 19 Restrictions, whether or not I agree with how they are administered and organised is another matter.

The point I am making is, now that we know we are looking beyond Christmas and into 2021, it’s important that we keep the stories alive of festivals and feasts for the generation who are growing up with separation and distance as their norm.


Maria’s Midweek Mindfulness

I’m reminded that my 60th birthday party in March was one of the last gatherings before lockdown. I’m so glad I can show my elder granddaughter pictures of herself at the event and wondering when my younger granddaughter will be able to participate in such an event.


The Wednesday Whisper

Can you take a moment to conjure a memory of a group event where you felt the healing power of community?


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