The potency of anger


Maria’s Midweek Mindfulness 


The Wednesday Whisper



Being angry without becoming aggressive

Learning to understand the power of our anger and to fully embrace it without creating injury, loss or harm is a virtue.

When our anger overpowers us and leads us to attack, we are actually disempowering ourselves. Instead, anger is a great tool to move us from powerlessness to potency if we understand how to work with it.

Here are three questions that can help us to transform anger into potency:

What in me is resisting powerlessness by getting angry?

How does this anger help me to create change?

Where do I find the resources to make these changes?

Accepting that we need support to find resources for change is essential to reduce powerlessness and increase potency.


Maria’s Midweek Mindfulness 

Recently, I have found myself feeling powerless in the face of oppression. I temporarily lost my potency. Seeking support has brought me back to my power.


The Wednesday Whisper

What resources help you to find your potency? Do you actively seek support?



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