This week




Maria’s Midweek Mindfulness 



The Wednesday Whisper 


Light, mirrors and patterns

Last week, I was fortunate enough to take my granddaughter to the Guggenheim Museum. We were invited to go to the Reading Room where a number of Kaleidoscopes were out for people to play with. I remembered being fascinated and inspired by Kaleidoscopes as a child and I was happy to share this experience with my granddaughter.

The word is derived from Ancient Greek (kalós, “beautiful, lovely”) + (eîdos, “form, image, shape”) + English -scope (suffix denoting an instrument used for examination or viewing), coined by the British scientist David Brewster (1781–1868) in his 1817 patent for the invention. And, indeed, beautiful shapes can be viewed.

Like life, the Kaleidoscope shows us ever changing and endless possibilities. What you see is shaped by the way you look through it, where you point it and how much light comes through. I was reminded that my life takes many forms and I see things from many different angles and perspectives.

The ability to be non-judgemental comes from being able to listen to many people and honour their experiences. I could be working with a CEO, a prisoner protesting innocence, a perpetrator of violence, an activist, a victim, an official, an asylum seeker, or a neighbour in social housing. Each person has a lived experience, and a story to be told. And it literally is a kaleidoscope of ever changing light. No one situation any more or less important that any other. No one person worthy of more love or less love than any other.


Maria’s Midweek Mindfulness 

When we apply the DRM to groups and organisations it becomes a Kaleidoscope, ensuring every view is valued.


The Wednesday Whisper

What do you see through your kaleidoscope? Could you look through again to see something different? Something you didn’t see before?



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