This week….

Our only choice


Maria’s Midweek Mindfulness 


The Wednesday Whisper


Once we’ve gotten over ourselves

Life is full of red herrings, twists and turns, complications, obstacles and decisions where we imagine we have or can exert some control over our lives. We work hard to fend off that which we don’t like. Sometimes we manipulate, orchestrate, rescue, plot and ruminate or retreat in order to try and retain some control.

But here’s a truth worth considering…whatever the reasons for this life, whatever God you believe in, we get to experience our life in whatever way we choose even when our options seem limited.

There are mountains and rivers and beaches and flowers and animals. There is love and trust and joy and singing and dancing and sunlight.

There is also misery, darkness, fear, and an inability to trust.

The former is attainable but the bridge from the latter to the former, from fear to trust is healing.

Healing from those who found themselves in fear and darkness and acted it out because they didn’t know they could heal.

Now more than ever, healing is our only choice because we can clearly see the results of control by the unhealed.


Maria’s Mindfulness Moment

Healing is a lifelong awareness. It is a paradigm shift, a daily practice, a learning journey and a choice.


The Wednesday Whisper

What in you is yearning to be healed? What choices in your life prevent you from healing?


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