This week

 Choices and Responsibility


Maria’s Midweek Mindfulness 


The Wednesday Whisper 


Patterns, habits and tendencies

Taking responsibility has always been a big part of my life, both personally and professionally. It’s hard to operate in a world where people do not take responsibility. It’s also hard to take responsibility in a world where our education system does not focus on building conscious awareness. Instead, it manipulates and modifies behaviour through reward and punishment in order to get compliance.

Compliance without conscious awareness deprives people of making quality choices that are borne out of love for life. And, the pursuit of compliance has a shadow that breeds quiet contempt, resentment, hatred and sabotage.

When compliance is mixed with trauma responses, we develop habits, tendencies and patterns that can be destructive to self, other and society.

Here’s the thing: once you are aware of the pattern, habit or tendency, it is no longer involuntary…it is a choice and we can no longer hide behind it.


Maria’s Midweek Mindfulness 

The DRM raises consciousness for us to observe our behaviours and delve into the sources and origins. Once consciousness is raised the journey of healing begins and, in parallel, we work out how to monitor and manage our day to day choices.


The Wednesday Whisper

What habits are you aware of that you can take responsibility for? What destructive choices do you find hard to rein in?

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