This week

Last Blog for the Summer. It’s never too late to be frightened


Maria’s Midweek Mindfulness 


The Wednesday Whisper 


You can start being fearful right now

AI, ETs, UFOs, GMO, SARS, COVID. Be afraid. Be very afraid. There’s a whole future coming our way and we can’t predict what is coming to get us. So buy something. Stock up. Pre-empt whatever it is and alleviate the worry by making sure you have bought enough of the antidote.

Or worry about getting old. Spend money on cosmetics and procedures to cover up the inevitable.

Maybe, protect yourself from attack. Lawyer up, build a fortress, lock everything away but spend money doing it.

What a way to live.

In a mainstream society where people do get mugged, houses burgled, children abused… how do we find the balance between recklessness and hypervigilance?

The answer lies with our inner pendulum. The place between caring and not caring, acting and not acting, and risk management is a self aware, conscious process of learning how to live in love and authenticity.


Maria’s Midweek Mindfulness 

Measuring risk requires us to harmonise the head and the heart between logic and intuition. The DRM helps us to make that process a joyful inquiry rather than a fear based assessment.


The Wednesday Whisper

What are you worried about that might not come true? What could come true that you ignore?

For me, August is a time for making space, enjoying what is and reflecting. BACK WITH THE BLOG IN SEPTEMBER


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