This week

Pop Psychology


Maria’s Midweek Mindfulness 


The Wednesday Whisper 


Weaponising psychology

Very often the work I do involves listening to people’s lived experiences of violence, abuse, trauma and tragic human suffering. And very often people I work with have perpetrated or been recipients of great harm. Sometimes we use words to name things so that we can better understand the people and situations.

Then, I find myself working in toxic cultures where battle lines have been drawn, ‘power over’ has created unfair imbalances and adversarial tactics have become the order of the day. In these places it is not helpful to use psychology as a weapon. Using labels as missiles will generally escalate a conflict.

Not everyone that fights with you is a narcissist

Not every unpleasant experience causes trauma

Not every contradiction is gaslighting

Not every conflict is Intimidation

Not every trigger is harmful

Could your conflict avoidance be writing the script?


Maria’s Midweek Mindfulness 

The DRM unravels our conflict avoidance by lighting up the way to a creative space for conflict to be resolved through dialogue and compassion, so that we can draw a new map to walk towards conflict with love.


The Wednesday Whisper

Who do you label? How do the labels serve you? What would happen if you let go of the label and see a beating heart longing for love but stuck in hostility.


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