This week

Is your bark worse than your bite?


Maria’s Midweek Mindfulness 


The Wednesday Whisper 


How can we tell?

Sometimes we really need help. More often than not we don’t even know we need help so the thought of asking for help doesn’t enter our mind. By the time we reach out, if we ever do, we have taken ourselves way beyond our tolerances and may have become withdrawn, irritable, out of sorts or tired and unwell.

Others see the state we’re in and feel powerless sitting on the side-lines unable or unwilling to risk rejection in the face of an offer to help.

I witness a lot of unnecessary human suffering in the gap between asking for help and offering to help.

Sometimes the help is not helpful and sometimes we are unable to accept ‘good’ help.

The journey of struggle is learning to get more and more in touch with what we can actually sustain, not what we have normalised.


Maria’s Midweek Mindfulness 

The DRM begins with our self talk. It takes us into the gentleness of our soul so that strength is built upon our ability to discern. Discernment is a superpower that balances our sensitivity with our strength. The way we talk to ourselves is key to developing this level of authenticity.


The Wednesday Whisper

When did you need help and not ask? When did you see someone who needed help and not offer? 

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