This week

Words shape outcomes


Maria’s Midweek Mindfulness 


The Wednesday Whisper 


Choose your words wisely

There is a difference between choosing words out of fear and choosing words out of compassion. Choosing words out of fear is like treading on eggshells. In that place we trade our feelings for outward peace, even though inwardly we are building a cellar full of resentment and suppression. When we choose our words out of compassion we get to say everything that needs to be said in a way that allows everyone to fully feel and accept the situation.

In both scenarios we are metaphorically using tweezers to extract the most effective words from the pile but the intention is completely different one is to avoid conflict, the other is to build connection. And, like any operation, the more we do it the better we become at it. So you can become expert at conflict avoidance or expert at connection and authenticity.


Maria’s Midweek Mindfulness 

The DRM supports us to check our intentions against our actions and put us on the path to authenticity.


The Wednesday Whisper

What’s your ratio of conflict avoidance to compassionate and authentic connection? How does it change according to who is in front of you?


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